Beginning March 3 at the Fairfield Inn & Suites!

It's all FREE

These public, Bible-based seminars are provided free to the public and we commit to keep it that way.

Free Admission

This event/seminar is open to the public. You are welcome to invite your friends and enemies alike.

Nightly Giveaways

At each meeting we give away some incredible free gifts. We even have some extra surprise prizes along the way.

Nightly VBS

Each night of the meetings, we provide childcare and a hold a VBS program (ages 4-11). So bring your kids!

FREE Parking

No need to worry about where to park, we have plenty of space.

New Albany Cosmic Conflict

Our Gift for Pre-Registering

We hope you are able to pre-register for this soon-coming seminar. If so, you will automatically receive this incredible DVD documentary called Cosmic Conflict: the Origin of Evil. (A $14.95 value; available while supplies last.)

This dramatic, Bible-based documentary on DVD shows how sin began in heaven and spread to our planet, and how the battle between good and evil impacts every life on earth—including yours! Breath-taking reenactments and animations.

Our Gift for Attending 7 Nights

Everyone who attends the first 7 meetings in a row will receive this FREE brand-new Kingdoms in Time DVD. This hour long documentary on last-day events is hosted by author and director of Amazing Facts, Pastor Doug Batchelor. In it, we explore the most striking Bible predictions that have come true—from nations rising and falling to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Journey through ancient Israel and hear from expert theologians, historians, and archaeologists on how we can know these prophecies were written in advance—and what it means for the ones that have yet to come true.

Featuring reenactments and powerful evidence of the supernatural, Kingdoms in Time is an extraordinary adventure through history where you will discover the astonishing evidence that Bible prophecy has been precisely fulfilled throughout the ages. You will believe that God’s Word stands forever and can be trusted! While supplies last.

New Albany Kingdoms In Time



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Pre-registrations are not required, but Encouraged

Those who pre-register will get a special gift the first night of the seminar and it speeds up time on the registration process. However, walk-ins are welcome. We are just glad that you have a desire to understand God's word for yourself.

What Attendees Have Said...

The meetings have been a Godsend. Amazing! Words cannot express the gratitude my family and myself have. The speaker loves God, and his presentation of God's truth is heartfelt, powerful, and genuine.

Ray and Rebecca N.

Yes, I have learned many things. So much of Revelation I did not understand. It is very clear now. And Wyatt did an excellent job explaining each topic.

Hazel H.

The time was too fast. We didn't want you to leave!

Judy P.

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts

(+1) 573 280 4827


P.O. Box 1681, Jefferson City, MO 65102

Send Us a Note

You can get in contact here as well. We do our best to respond as soon as possible. God bless you!

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