Prophecy Seminar Schedule

Mar 3
Meeting 1 | Opening Night - An Ancient Dream Predicts Your Future!
6:30 PM - Learn about the Metal Man and God's grand plan for your life. Learn about why the Bible continues to stump and fascinate skeptics, and how prophecy is relevant for today!
Mar 4
Meeting 2 | ETA For Doomsday
6:30 PM - We are forbidden to set dates, but does that mean that we can't know when it is "near, even at the doors"? What are the signs of the times that can show us how soon the nearness of the end will come?
Mar 5
Meeting 3 | God On Trial: Why Does He Allow Suffering?
6:30 PM - If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why doesn't He just stop all the sin and suffering and get rid of the devil? Prophecy answers this question.
Mar 6
Meeting 4 | The Lamb Who Conqures the Beast
6:30 PM - What is the most used symbol all of the book of Revelation, and what is the prophecy in the Old Testament that Rabbis don't want Jews to read?
Mar 7
Meeting 5 | The Longest, Most Amazing Time Prophecy
6:30 PM - How far can God see into the future? Is judgment good news or bad news for Christ-followers?
Mar 10
Meeting 6 | Revelation's Surprise Blessing
6:30 PM - Many are shocked to discover this hidden blessing in Revelation. But once you see it, you can't un-see it. Come discover this surprise blessing!
Mar 11
Meetings 7 & 8 | God's Number Revealed in Revelation and God's Number Under Attack
5:30 PM - One of the Church's greatest Mysteries solved!
6:50 PM - Refreshments Provided
7:30 PM - Part 2: exposing Satan's attack on God's special symbol.
Mar 13
Meeting 9 | Unmasking the Antichrist
6:30 PM - Is the Antichrist alive today? If so, who is it? 10 Identifying clues will unravel this mystery!
Mar 14
Meeting 10 | Left Behind - Revelation's Rapture
6:30 PM - The Rapture is likely the most discussed topic of Prophecy - but also the most misunderstood. Tonight we'll find out why.
Note: Meeting Location will change: TBA
Mar 17
Meeting 11 | Dying to Live
6:30 PM - Is it possible that we could believe something our whole lives, just to find out it isn't so? Come prepared to study a controversial topic.
Mar 18
Meeting 12 | Free Indeed: Wyatt's Story of True Freedom
11:00 AM - We step away from prophecy for this meeting to hear the miracle-filled story of the seminar presenter, Wyatt Allen.
Mar 18
Meeting 13 & 14 | Revelation Reveals the Mark of the Beast & The US in Prophecy
5:30 PM - What if the mark of the beast isn't a Microchip? What could it be?
6:50 PM - Free Dinner Provided
7:30 PM - Is the United States mentioned in Prophecy? Could it play a major role in last day events?
Mar 20
Meeting 15 | Sorcerers, Demons and the Dead
6:30 PM - Where do the dead go when they die? What does the Bible say about the afterlife? How do we keep from being deceived in the last days?
Mar 21
Meeting 16 | Revelation's Abyss of Desolation
6:30 PM - Tonight we will explore the meaning behind the 1000 years of Revelation 10 - The Millennium. What happens before, during, and after?
Mar 24
Meeting 17 | Revelation's Hottest Topic
6:30 PM - What is hotter than the Lake of Fire? Understanding hell is not easy, especially answering the important "why" question. Tonight, we'll see the why, where, when, and what of hell.
Mar 25
Meeting 18 | Survival Keys for the End Times
11:00 AM | Everyone agrees: we are in the last days of earth's history. What is your end-time strategy for survival? During this meeting, you will learn keys to surviving and thriving in the last days!
Mar 25
Meetings 19 & 20 | Why so Many Denominations / Modern Israel in the Last Days
5:30 PM - Thousands of denominations, but one Bible, one Jesus? What gives? Tonight we will make sense of this perplexing question.
6:50 PM - Free Dinner Provided
7:30 PM - What about modern Israel? What is their role in prophecy? Who is Israel? How will we recognize them?
Mar 27
Meeting 21 | The 144,000 Revealed in Revelation
6:30 PM | Who are the mysterious 144,000? Are they the only ones who go to heaven? What do they look like? Could you even be one of them?
Mar 28
Meeting 22 | Beware of False Prophets
6:30 PM - With the increasing rise of so-called prophets, how can you tell the difference between the true and the false? Will there even be true prophets in the last days? Some think they would never be deceived, yet Jesus warns us in Matthew 24 of the danger.
Mar 31
Meeting 23 | The 7 Last Plagues
6:30 PM - The series wraps up with a powerful meeting that discusses what the 7 Last Plagues will look like and, more importantly, how to avoid them. We will also briefly look at what the unpardonable sin is. You don't want to miss it.